Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Entitlement Generation

One of my biggest beefs with my own generation is its sense that it's entitled to a certain quality of life and a multitude of perks.

For example, there seems to be the impression among those my age that a good job, good education, health care, a home, etc are all things that they somehow "deserve" simply because they're American.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I've always felt that nobody is "entitled" to anything. If you want something, you earn it.

Sorry, no novel this evening. Too tired for that.


Callie Hansen said...

Hence: "Life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness."

Cami said...

The Constitution does not guarantee equality in goods, access, services, or even opportunity. Only equal protection under the law. Unfortunately, many Americans do not realize that the American Dream is not a right they have just by virtue of being born here.

Not quite the point you were making, but a good point nonetheless.

Jeff said...

I work with a man who was born in the middle east, raised in the Soviet Union (Armenia and Russia), and then emigrated to the United States. He has a rather unique perspective on American culture. He told me once that "in this country, there's no reason that anyone should be hungry," meaning there are plenty of opportunities for everyone, regardless of who they are, to make something of their life.

Callie Hansen said...

Hey, Riley, I'm glad you're blogging. I've enjoyed reading your posts and all the comments. I hope you will recieve many more comments. It is a great place to vent and state your views. I am not a huge political conversationalist, so I'll probably just enjoy reading all the entrys as I have done today after discovering the blog. Thanx. MOM

Connie said...

OOps. I didn't realize Callie was still logged in on my comp. Glad I signed it MOM. Love ya.

Nate said...

Picked up the thread from Cami's blog. Nice to see you out there expressing some great thoughts! I've thought about starting a similar blog of my own. I'll be keeping up with your new posts. I heard on Dennis Prager (check him out if you haven't) recently a slogan I really liked (borrowed, and altered, from Marx) "Government Entitlements are the opiate of the masses" Much more true (and relevant) than the original quote.

Nate said...

Thanks for the inspiration! I woke up at 3:30 last night and couldn't get back to sleep. My mind was racing, so I turned on the computer and started typing. Now I've gone and created my own political blog. I don't know that my wife will forgive you. :)