Friday, December 3, 2010


Welcome to Loonyville. It's a place where ones imagination rules. Reality just won't do when you can replace it with what wish was reality.

In Loonyville, tax cheats write the tax code and run the treasury.

And the list goes on.

As ridiculous a place as Loonyville seems, we can all call it home.

1 comment:

Nate said...

Here's another good one:
In Looneyville, the "Paper of Record" refuses to publish private emails (just private, not classified or top secret) from the Climategate scandal because they were "acquired illegally", and yet one year later they deem classified and top secret documents from the Wikileaks project appropriate to publish. (See Best of the Web about halfway down the page under "Two Papers in One")
I guess if it only threatens credibility of climate scientists, it's wrong to expose that, but if it threatens diplomacy, and by extension life and limb of Americans everywhere, then printing that information is the responsible thing to do. Makes perfect sense.